Lance Rogers, a dedicated musician with five years of relentless commitment, has become a driving force in the music scene. His journey started with an unforgettable break, opening for Chris Knight, followed by sharing the stage with Ward Davis. Lance’s passion took him to Appalachia on the Rocks in Colorado at Cervantes, a pivotal moment that propelled his band to play Troublesome Fest and then headline Buffalo Days, both in Colorado, the following two years. Lance Rogers band also had a standout performance opening the Bulls, Bands, and Barrels Rodeo at Altech Arena in Lexington, KY, alongside Charles Wesley Godwin and Shane Smith and The Saints.
Evolving from a trio to a full-fledged band, Lance aimed to capture the essence of his raw, core-cutting sound showcased in his latest album. Rooted in the Appalachian foothills, his music embodies the soul of Kentucky, blending local flavor with creative mysticism. Lance’s musical gift is nothing short of breathtaking, leaving audiences captivated by the burning spirit of his compositions. With an unyielding work ethic and a dedication to his craft, Lance Rogers stands as a testament to the power of authentic, homegrown music.